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Getting a Blog on the Internet

The fearful, ignorant guy has got a blog on the Internet. It must be easy!

Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one. I thought the processes of getting a site; domain name and the actual building of the blog would just be out of my league. I'm a complete novice when it comes to technology, but I do like writing a journal, and I thought having a journal on-line would be both fun and make life simpler for me. No more writing with pens, other people can read my stuff and comment on it, and I could add pictures to illustrate my points and make things look more interesting.

Well, now I've got one! It's awesome. I won't lie and say it was easy, but I think if you hook up with a good web hosting company it's not such a daunting experience as you might expect. I got a few work mates to help me. I went through a couple administrative hitches when filling in my personal information forms for the registration-just because I'm a bit silly in the head. We had a little trouble with the blog program we used, but these challenges were eventually overcome. My boss says he's going to make a simple program that people can hook up easily.

I just want you to know the great feeling I got when I first typed in my domain name and my site came up! It was the equivalent to a person who's afraid of heights being accepted into an astronaut's mission into outer space. Or maybe it was like a turtle driving a Ferrari 300km per hour. Possibly it was like all the ants in the world getting together for peace talks.

It's a real blast having this blog. I can write on it any time, anywhere, from my laptop, at an Internet café etc. I can write as much as I want, and I'm hoping one day my writing may inspire others to communicate with me about the subjects that I'm interested in.

Look, if you like writing about anything, and want to have your thoughts and opinions on the Internet, maybe meeting others similar to yourself in the progress; you have to get a blog and get it now. Don't be afraid any longer, the world is in the palm of your hands; it's time to get on!

You can create your blog by using Blogger.com or Wordpress.com 
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